12 Oct 2021 | 252 downloads
The term resilience is receiving a significant amount of airtime in 2021.
While the pandemic certainly pulled into focus the need for resilient syste...
07 Oct 2021 | 533 downloads
Traditional core systems that assume a branch interface and retain human-led back offices no longer meet needs.
To be truly agile, banks must priorit...
22 Sep 2021 | 512 downloads
Most banks' digital transformation journeys are well underway, and the need to now deliver on their strategy milestones means that time is of the...
14 Sep 2021 | 283 downloads
As digitisation increases within banking, financial services and insurance, tech leaders are faced with the task of aligning skills to strategy.
06 Sep 2021 | 173 downloads
Why NaaS is the smartest path to realising Financial Services Innovation in the Cloud.
Many financial services firms are still making the shift from...
03 Sep 2021 | 280 downloads
Key concerns such as security and compliance are often cited as barriers to banks adopting managed services.
In fact, the managed model can deliver s...
23 Aug 2021 | 340 downloads
Innovation is picking up pace in treasury management, but development is far from the fintech revolution that has replaced outdated technologies and s...
19 Aug 2021 | 193 downloads
Operational loss events related to Execution, Delivery and Process Management (EDPM), and Clients, Products and Business Processes (CPBP) can represen...
10 Aug 2021 | 524 downloads
How business needs are driving (Instant) Payments Innovation.
According to the World Bank, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and businesses account...
06 Aug 2021 | 310 downloads
Change in financial services has become a differentiating factor.
With that, the facets of leadership have and are still evolving, with a refreshed f...
06 Aug 2021 | 223 downloads
Fraud and cybercrime are always on the increase, evading the latest security conventions and morphing into a different approach, following the money....
29 Jul 2021 | 206 downloads
During the Covid-19 pandemic, and ensuing national lockdowns, one of the key challenges for financial services professionals involved in customer or c...