/artificial intelligence

News and resources on artificial intelligence systems, innovations and initiatives worldwide.

AI should be trained to respect a regulatory 'constitution' says BofE policy maker
Jamie French

Jamie French

  Oh dear, I dont think Mr Kroszner understands how these models work
AI should be trained to respect a regulatory 'constitution' says BofE policy maker
John Davies

John Davies

  It's a lovely idea but simply not feasible or even technically possible. It's like putting in back-doors for encryption, it's just not mathematically possible without fundamentally breaking cryptography. Firstly the LLMs or GPTs being referenced are global, so who's regulations to you build into the model? Secondly LLMs don't follow rules like that, they can be tuned towards a direction but like people they find loopholes and unless the rule is rock solid and unambiguous, which they rarely are, they simply won't work on LLMs. Censored LLMs, which is effectively what this is suggesting work badly, you're training it and then un-training it. We saw what happened with some of the recently censored models proposing black German soldiers in 1943, Native Indian founding fathers of the USA, all in the admirable effort of inclusion but failing. What is needed is better management of LLMs, UK and EU should be using privately hosted LLMs and then frameworks around those to assert compliance and adherence to regulatory practices. This is a hybrid of LLMs, RAG and traditional integration. It can be done but not in the way suggested here.
MPs warn against mass government surveillance of bank accounts
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan

  This might cross a line but Benefits Fraud has been an intractable problem in UK for far too long for govt to continue to rely on traditional measures like ads on buses and bus shelters.
Ireland’s fintech funding slumps
A Finextra Member

A Finextra member

  This is a very different Irish government to the one that created the tech hub that is there now - and which will slip away over time if they cannot turn things around
Dominique Dierks

Why data is the backbone of predictive AI

Dominique Dierks - Content Manager - Finextra