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Mindaugas Mikalajūnas

Mindaugas Mikalajūnas

CEO at smeGo
Message Message me Posts: 4 Comments: 0



The future of financing: finding the sweet spot between price, speed, and satisfaction

24 Apr 2024

The financing landscape is evolving rapidly and we have witnessed a transformation of the whole finance and banking sector over the last decade, driven by fintech startup companies that challenge traditional financing and banking models, incorporating more useful functionalities—beyond online payment processing, instant financing decisions, and em...


3 API traps to avoid for legacy banks targeting SMEs

15 Feb 2023

Legacy banks are great. I say that as someone who used to work for one (for the record, it was Nordic banking leader Swedbank, with net income just over €5 billion). Behemoths like Swedbank are geared up to deal with millions of consumers and include some of the biggest corporations on the planet. That’s heavy duty. However, typically they are no...

Digital Sales

5 things online sellers should consider before chasing venture capital

04 Aug 2022

Coming up for three decades after Amazon was founded, there is still plenty of scope for new ecommerce brands — retail and B2B — to enter the market and build global scale businesses. In 2021 online retail sales alone accounted for $4.9 trillion worldwide, a total that is forecast to grow over 50% by the end of 2025. Even then, it will still only...

Small Business Lending Innovation

It isn’t AI that’s biassed — it’s banks and VCs

05 Jul 2022

AI has been getting a bad rap when it comes to possible bias. Amazon’s AI recruiting engine, ironically developed to eliminate possible human prejudice, appeared to be biassed against women. It downgraded resumés that contained words like “women” and the graduates of two all-women colleges. Google Photos’ algorithm apparently showed bias against ...