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JaJa Finance secures Plain Numbers’ Certification

Source: JaJa Finance

Jaja Finance (“Jaja”), one of the UK’s leading digital lenders, has become the first credit card provider to secure Plain Numbers’ Certification for its customer application journey.

The accreditation means that Jaja has made notable changes to its customer application process to meet Plain Numbers’ high standards, ensuring their customers’ financial health and wellbeing.

As the first credit card provider to achieve Plain Numbers Certification to its customer journey, the lender’s changes will simplify financial concepts; help customers better understand its terms and conditions and help make numbers and their importance clearer, all with the aim of delivering an accessible and transparent application journey that’s easier for customers to understand, despite their numeracy levels.

Jaja’s application journeys, allowing customers to apply for one of their own-branded or co-brand products direct or through an aggregator partner, give customers a view of whether they’re likely to be accepted, and the credit limit and interest rate they’ll be offered, before any hard credit checks are made that could impact their credit rating.

In 2022, the digital lender also became the UK’s first credit card provider to partner with Plain Numbers, to help its customers better understand their credit card bills and make informed spending decisions at a time when they needed it most.

It is estimated that just under half of working-age adults in the UK have numeracy skills at or below the level expected of an 11-year-old, with about 20 million people in Britain having poor numeracy skills. This can have a huge impact on a person’s financial health and wellbeing.

Jaja’s dedicated Plain Numbers practitioners work with Plain Numbers through its comprehensive training sessions to ensure they’re continuing to identify and improve how it communicates with its customers in a way that they can easily understand.

Lucas Dalglish, Chief Commercial Officer, Jaja Finance said: “Jaja has achieved yet another significant milestone with our partners, Plain Numbers, which we are extremely proud of. Our mission is to help make credit simple and to have reached two ‘firsts’ with Plain Numbers is indicative of our commitment to doing this.

“We know we’ve already made a positive impact on our customer’s financial health and wellbeing through the way we communicate with them, and we want to continue making this progress. Helping our customers manage their credit better is something we continue to work hard on and with the help of Plain Numbers we know we can make a huge difference.”

Mike Ellicock, Chief Executive of Plain Numbers said: “We’re excited to certify Jaja’s Credit Card application journey. The Plain Numbers Practitioners at Jaja have demonstrated commendable skill in applying the principles of our approach to their communications. all in the aid of improving customer understanding. It’s great to see this achievement, and we look forward to collaborating with them further on their mission to make credit simple.”

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