Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,669
Members 211
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Hitesh Thakkar

Stop Loving your bank

Banking services in India has come long way from being BAM (Brick And Mortar) in 80s of ledger based paper transactions to electronic arcades of Core banking, IVR, cards, ATM, Net banking, Cheque and ...

12 Dec 2014
Paul Love

Good Old Days of Chip and PIN Vs. The Wild West of FinTech

At the Connecting Payments conference on Wednesday we celebrated 10 years since the successful roll out of Chip & PIN in the UK. This was the largest coordinated shift in consumer payment behaviou...

12 Dec 2014
Bo Harald

Time for soul-searching - also in banks

Then the first question is WHY? Why? Because people do not buy what you say – but why you say it. Simon Sinek proves this beyond doubt in his book Start with Why. You can get a good taste of this alr...

07 Dec 2014
Paul Love

Common sense prevails - but when?

As I said on Wednesday, innovation should be about solving real world needs rather than just inventing smart technology. Paying in cheques by photographing them is one of the those innovations that ju...

05 Dec 2014
Bo Harald

All countries should save tax payer's money with e-invoicing

Now Switzerland But Denmark - true Vikings - made e-invoicing manda...

05 Dec 2014
Paul Love

Inventor or Innovator ?

The guy who invented the first wheel was a great inventor - The guy who saw the need for the other three was an innovator. There is a lot of smart technology invented, but unless it finds the right ap...

03 Dec 2014
Retired Member

How Barclays 'borrowed' my children's money

My children, four and six, are lucky to have a full set of grandpas and grannies, who spoil them with presents and some "monetary contributions". In fact, over the last few years the little ...

03 Dec 2014
Bo Harald

Time for better and new Ecosystems

I had the opportunity to speak at the spectacular SLUSH-event in Helsinki. The main focus there is always on how startups are changing the world and should get more funding to do it even faster. My pr...

20 Nov 2014
Retired Member

The Truth About Hadoop

The press often talks about Hadoop as if it were a single technology or even a product. This is far from the truth and creates a false expectation in the industry about the complexity of using Hadoop ...

27 Oct 2014
Brett King

Why Ebola might kill cash

The Fear Factor on Ebola is over the top right now. We are spending countless hours in the media analyzing footage of health workers, figuring out how a nurse in Texas contracted the disease despite s...

17 Oct 2014

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