Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,669
Members 211
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Bo Harald

Russia moving towards e-invoicing

"On the 26th of December the Prime Minister of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the resolution “About the forms and rules of filling and exchanging documents for VAT management”. This doc...

27 Dec 2011
Bo Harald

Just like payments - in sight

With the establishment of eeSPA we now have the organization in place to drive towards e-invoicing functioning “Just-like-payments. You sign...

22 Dec 2011
Brett King

How the post office is killing identity verification

There has been a 25% decline in the total mail volume for the USPS (United States Postal Service) from 2006-2011, resulting in a $5.1 Billion loss in 2011 alone. Since 2007 the USPS has been unable to...

22 Dec 2011
Pat Carroll

The security breaches of 2011

2011 presented some fascinating security breaches that could have been prevented. Here are my top three trends, and how to avoid them in 2012! Online identity and social media sites The successful lau...

21 Dec 2011
Pat Carroll

An endless challenge? Or a new beginning?

In my last blog post I wrote about the problems banks will have with fraud detection when the three day payment process window shortens dramatically from January 2012. Because existing risk-engine str...

19 Dec 2011
Bo Harald

Saving tax payers' money

We have on many occasions stressed the need for the public sector to more aggressively - save their own operating costs, - help enterprises to save cost, - drive enterprises across digitalization ...

15 Dec 2011
Pat Carroll

New payment rules - new mindset!

As of 1st January 2012, the three-day wait for fund transfers will be over. Banks must ensure that for all electronic payments (e.g. online banking transfers), the money reaches the payee’s account in...

15 Dec 2011
Bo Harald

A more competitive Europe - drilling down

1. More competitive enterprises. How? Drilling down selectively: 1.1. Better products, selling, procurement and service processes – mostly (but not only) a question of digitalization 1.1.1.

12 Dec 2011
Bo Harald

For a more competive Europe - big picture

From time to time it is necessary to look at the big picture. What do we need for a more competitive Europe? Innovative and determined actions in many areas – like: 1. More competitive enterprises – i...

12 Dec 2011
Brett King

I'll Never Login with Facebook or Pay with my Phone!

We're experiencing a massive shift in consumer behavior right now with the explosion of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other community collaboration and social media platforms. A world where Facebook...

07 Dec 2011

Now hiring