Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,669
Members 211
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Basics of digital onboarding: why you need to know who your customer is

“The human face is, after all, nothing more nor less than a mask.” Dame Agatha Christie, the famous murder-mystery writer, once said. Our face is just a mask in an ocean of masks, and it only shows wh...

10 Dec 2020
Retired Member

Why Collective Intelligence amid COVID-19? How to build organisational resilience & innovate

Collective intelligence and dialogic communication are possibly alien concepts amongst the banking and financial services community. Many senior leaders would likely dismiss it as irrelevant to their...

07 Dec 2020
Diederick Van Thiel

Win or lose? Winning banks break through the Big Tech Nash equilibrium.

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, where companies need to try and stay ahead of their competition, innovation should be one of the most important focus areas. According to strategy consulta...

09 Nov 2020
Payson Johnton

Modernizing Fintech Compliance in a Post-COVID Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. People have switched traditional retail stores for online delivery, students at schools and universities have had to switch from in-person classes...

04 Nov 2020
Thomas Pintelon

Investing - A spectrum of choices

In our last blog we introduced a number of ways how banks can activate the ever increasing amounts of saving deposits, by turning them into investments. However once customers have taken the decision ...

02 Nov 2020
Farah Miller

Dealing with Uncertainty in the Rubber Markets

Information is the Key to Future Success Rubber market in a state of flux The uncertainty of 2020 has caused a great deal of turbulence in the commodities markets and natural rubber has certainly also...

02 Nov 2020
Retired Member

The New Customer Relationship in Wealth Management

I am of a generation who can remember the time before you could take your smart phone from your pocket, access an app and immediately see your bank account balances, make a payment or access

14 Oct 2020
Bo Harald

Very short Hard Talk

Such a no brainer that governments should work harder to get banks to expand the offerings only they can deliver cost-efficiently and securely. Starting from e-ID and e-invoices. In the Nordics it hap...

08 Oct 2020
Retired Member

The reinvention of innovation in the financial sector

The banking sector has long been the subject of disruption. In recent years challenger banks such as Monzo have become established in the wallets and on the smartphones of digital natives, while tech ...

28 Sep 2020
Anthony Walton

The Testing Challenge: Cost

The pressures of time and cost are constant barriers to effective implementation. These pressures can be offset, for example, by spending more money to reduce testing time. Adding to this inherent tes...

21 Sep 2020

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