Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,669
Members 211
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Why Bitcoin is going to be fine?

Next year, several key events will occur in the digital money market that can seriously affect the situation in the industry. In 2018, the cost of cryptocurrency is continuously decreasing. Bitcoin ha...

30 Nov 2018
Patrick Chambeau

Are you in the driver’s seat? How innovative drivers can inspire traders

There are many synergies with the Formula-E concept and the financial markets. Both operate in a fast-moving market and parallels can be drawn between between drivers and traders; both are in some way...

28 Nov 2018
Anna Kuzmina

Top 5 brain foods from Money2020 China

Money2020 is one of the most prominent fintech conferences in the world. Known for its wild parties in Las Vegas, it added events in Europe (Amsterdam and Copenhagen) in 2016, and this year opened

22 Nov 2018
Anuj Kumar

Empowering the CHRO with Digital and Data capabilities

The modern workplace is undergoing tremendous change. In what is being referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, automation is quickly replacing jobs involving repetitive tasks. According to M...

20 Nov 2018
Retired Member

How Blockchain Could Shape the Development of Accounting

Accounting is a constantly evolving field, as it’s closely tied to the world of finances, a field that itself sees constant evolution and active pushes through technological advancements. It’s not rar...

10 Nov 2018
Konrad Litwin

DevOps theory is great, but DevOps good practice is a bigger challenge

DevOps: spend more than five minutes looking at any IT-related website or magazine and it would be easy to assume that it is the saviour of modern-day software development. Based on the concept of bre...

09 Nov 2018
Rik Coeckelbergs

The war on cash in Belgium and The Netherlands: a state of play on contactless mobile payments

The last few weeks we, payments experts, were excited with news from banks and their contactless innovations, in an urge to promote electronic payments: on October 16, KBC Bank announced its sup

08 Nov 2018
Sameer Singh Jaini

Why legacy businesses find it difficult to derive value from digital?

Fintechs have shown the path of digital innovations across payments, lending, wealth, insurance etc. As their business model is almost 100% focused on digital innovations (even if overall business may...

07 Nov 2018
Richard Miller

Culture: The overlooked weapon

Much has been written about the Culture of technology firms created in the last 10-15 years that turns the ideas of the 20th Century on their heads. Whether it is the Culture deck from Netflix or the ...

05 Nov 2018
René Haeberlin

How banks can be more customer-centric

Do something you never thought you could Successful innovation focuses on making customers' lives easier, better and, ideally, more enjoyable. In banking, this focus is calibrated by de-complicating p...

01 Nov 2018

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