Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,669
Members 211
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Pat Carroll

Finding security in digital currencies

Digital currencies such as Bitcoin have been capturing the attention of the world’s financial and technology press for some time, both in a positive and negative manner. Digital currencies are here t...

18 Dec 2013
Pat Carroll

Tis the season to be jolly - Ho Ho Hopefully!

The UK’s Fraud Prevention Service wants to remind Christmas shoppers to be ultra-prudent with their personal and financial details. The numbers show an increase of 23% in the number of victims of acc...

16 Dec 2013
Retired Member

Rising tide trends in 2014

Last year, my magic crystal balls helped me get 6 out of 7 predictions right. Let's see if I can do even better this year. As a quick summary, my predictions for 2014 are based on proliferation of alt...

16 Dec 2013
Retired Member

Is PayPal talking to a lighthouse?

Aircraft carrier is an awesome sight: it's huge, full of energy, impressive in all respects. It's worth a lot of money too. However, when you see an aircraft carrier on the horizon heading towards you...

12 Dec 2013
Pat Carroll

ECB moves to securing mobile payments

The ECB published its recommendations for the security of mobile payments last week last week. Although unrelated, this latest set of recommendations shows how Governments and Central Banks (US Federa...

10 Dec 2013
Pat Carroll

Brett King Raises an Interesting Point...

Brett King’s recent article on ‘Banking’s new playground’ raises some interesting points as to ‘how Africa will show the way’. Smart phone penetration in Africa is currently less than 15% and projec...

10 Dec 2013
Chris Principe

The Starving of SMEs

The Starving of SMEs Like many of my industry colleagues, I have been passionate about the financing of SMEs, who are the true lifeblood of global trade. Banks, like most businesses, only have time...

02 Dec 2013
Brett King

My Social Media brawl with HSBC

If any of you watch my Twitter feeds, Facebook or Google+ posts or those of the financial services crowd at large, it is highly likely that you will have seen a post I authored on Huffington Post...

02 Dec 2013
Chris Principe

Whales need Plankton!

Whales need Plankton! There are banks today that are expanding their trade business with additional supply chain financing activates and many more considering adding SCF. The results for them are good...

26 Nov 2013
Jim Marous

Innovation Lacking in U.S. and U.K.

For the third year in a row, I attended the BAI-FinacleGlobal Banking Innovation Awards ceremony that takes place as part of the BAI Retail Delivery Conference. This year's program, which recognizes i...

23 Nov 2013

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