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If you have a hammer..

If you have a hammer, everything around may look like a nail - they say.

With the hammer-advent of Self-sovereign Identity, DIDs, decentralised data, Trust over IP,, Open Wallet Foundation, eIDAS2  and especially the work on organisation wallets in EWC this is for sure looking like being the case. Any number of use cases have been listed.

As we now see that there is a good supply of de-facto EUDI-compliant applications both for both consumers and organisations it is time especially for alla ministries, municipalities and other public sector organisations to line up the credentials they should make availble for citizens' and small businesses' life events and deploy the applications soonest. 3-6% GDP growth is on offer accordign to McKinsey - but to get i going the public sector eye-opening supply must lead to the demand that kickstarts credential streams from enterprises to citizens - at home and at work.

So ALL credentials, from ALL sources, to ALL parties, with the SAME general purpose interoperable application, WITHOUT need for technical integration. 

Now Action is ALL - especially for banks to make the being-at-the-table or on-the-menu choice. I blogged here before about the massive cost-saving aspect. 





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Bo Harald

Bo Harald

Chairman/Founding member, board member

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Helsinki Region

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Innovation in Financial Services

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