Financial Risk Management

Group founded 01 Jul 2010
Posts 156
Members 33
Group summary

This network brings together professionals involved in the oversight and management of their company's financial risks and exposures as well as solution vendors, in order to discuss risk issues including interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and commodity price risk, among others.

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Oliver Kroll

Is there an end of volatility in sight, or should we expect a second wave?

As lockdowns following the Covid-19 outbreak are easing, we see some cautious optimism about a beginning economic recovery. But there’s no doubt that this crisis will take its toll on growth in 2020

15 Jul 2020
Eugene Rudenko

Breaking the Fall, or How Fintechs Can Mitigate the Economic Effects of COVID-19

In the face of the worsened economic situation conditioned by the pandemic, many fintech companies now reconsider their processes. A particular focus is put towards more practical approaches in areas ...

02 Jul 2020
Thomas Pintelon

Social distancing and Financial distancing - New counterparty risk models

The impact of the current crisis on counterparty risk models One could argue, that in a similar way that social distancing can limit the epidemic spread in the current health crisis, applying correct ...

27 May 2020
Brittany Garland

The 5 Onboarding Changes Every Buy-Side Organization Needs to Make

Thinning margins. Growing competition. Tougher regulations. A volatile global political landscape. Higher transactional volumes. Greater transactional complexity. There is no lack of reasons why onboa...

30 Apr 2020
Ron Cogburn

How The Right Preparation Can Help Your Business Survive During A Crisis

As Benjamin Franklin said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." This is a repost from my recent article for the Forbes Technology Council According to FEMA, up to 40% of sma...

20 Apr 2020
Anjani Kumar

Managing Climate Change Risks: Key Actions for Financial Institutions

“Every company, investor, & bank that screens new & existing investments for climate risk is simply being pragmatic” - Jim Yong Kim (Former President, World Bank) As per Prudential Regulation...

16 Apr 2020
Jonathan Westley

Covid-19: protecting vulnerable consumers is a must

The past few weeks have served up a range of unprecedented challenges for everyone and we are all quite rightly focused on staying safe and healthy. But many people will also be concerned with their f...

02 Apr 2020
Anjani Kumar

Why financial institutions must heed the climate change risks?

"If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money." – Dr. Guy R. McPherson (award-winning scientist, professor ...

16 Mar 2020
Thomas Pintelon

Are credits not too commoditized?

Since 1 July 2007, the Belgian electricity market has been liberalized. While in the first years, only few consumers switched electricity provider, this has reached a new high this year. Incumbent pro...

25 Feb 2020
Thomas Pintelon

The best way to regain your customer’s trust

After the late-2000s (2007-2008) banking crisis, trust of consumers in the banking sector reached an all-time low. While bankers were perceived as a trusted and respected personal advisor a few decade...

29 Jan 2020
Breana Patel

How Lenders Can Reduce Compliance Risk For Unfair, Deceptive Or Abusive Practices UDAAP

The prohibition of “unfair or deceptive acts and practices” by federal banking regulators is not new. First introduced via the 1938 Wheeler–Lea Act, with a significant expansion in 2004, the concept h...

02 Dec 2019
Thomas Pintelon

Can banks help to fundamentally redefine our notion of trust?

Trust is the glue that holds society together. Historically we trusted people in our local community. Later this evolved to a centralized trust in large corporations and institutions, but recently thi...

21 Nov 2019

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