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Just as a reminder, Complex Knowledge is any combination of regulatory, statutory, legal, tax, tariff, policy and procedure matter, which is primarily found within documents. USE CASE: HOUSEHOLDER P...
According to Gartner, by the end of 2020, 20% of citizens in developed nations will use AI for everyday operational tasks and a whopping 85% of CIOs (Chief Information Officers) will be piloting AI pr...
The Opportunity The simplification of Complex Knowledge is a paradigm shift opportunity for chatbots, with the potential to bring benefits to every person and every organisation on the planet. The...
At this early stage of the chatbot evolution, it is difficult to determine the current state of being able to value chatbot firms. Valuation of new innovations is often influenced on future potential....
Proactivity in digital banking has been acknowledged as important by a number of respected organisations. Efma and Accenture announced the winners of their fifth annual Distribution & Marketing In...
As covered previously, Chatbot Natural Language Processing (NLP) is not underpinned by Artificial Intelligence that is a Singularity, all knowing, god like. Once this is obviously clear then it is imp...
The movie Blade Runner (and the novel it is based on, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) depicts a future world where artificial intelligence is taking over. It is a striking dystopia where robots ...
It’s the time of the year that you either love or dread – get-togethers, office parties, decorations, lists for Santa, Starbucks holiday cups. Plus, your email starts exploding with offers for pre and...
There has been a lot of hand wringing over the CME Group’s amendments to Rule 553 (“Average Price System”), and for good reason. It’s no easy task for clearing firms, or their clients, to systematica...
The Chatbot market has reached an unbelievable state. It is both over-hyped and under-hyped at the same time. There is no doubt that conversation-as-a-service will become the primary means for human...
Imagine a capital markets desk of a financial institution where a trader is about to press enter on the keyboard to initiate a market position when a message pops up on the computer screen from a regu...
There is no doubt about it – RegTech is hip. Bankers dangle the word over their working breakfasts, while technology teams slather it on proposals they are seeking funding for, along with its cousin, ...