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2024 (3)
Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

CEO at Razor Risk
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Financial Risk Management

Basel Guidelines: Diving into the Four Counterparty Credit Risk Components

08 May 2024

In a world where market turmoil and systemic risks are pervasive, effective counterparty credit risk management (CCR) becomes increasingly vital. Recent events, such as the collapse of Archegos Capital Management which caused over $10 billion in losses, commodity market volatility after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and UK gilt market disr...

Financial Risk Management

ISDA Insights from Afar: Examining Key Agenda Items

16 Apr 2024

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) annual general meeting takes place in Tokyo this week. The event serves as a platform for insightful discussions, strategic collaborations, and the exchange of ideas surrounding the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in risk management. While we couldn’t be in attendance this yea...

Financial Risk Management

Exploring the Global Impact of the 2023 US Banking Crisis

18 Mar 2024

It is around a year since Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic failed, and while its effects were by no means as far reaching as those in the global financial crisis over 15 years ago, it has sent substantial repercussions throughout the industry, its regulators, and governing bodies. Here, we take a look at some of the global r...